About studio2

studio2,最受矚目與期待的華語動畫團隊之一,以動畫的原創、研究與開發為主,保持開放思維接納任何動畫創作可能性,其兼具商業市場與實驗藝術的動畫視覺與精良製作,吸引許多關注,至今的各部商業作品,常被認為成功建立新華語動畫風格。較具代表性的獎項如:第54屆金馬獎最佳動畫電影長片提名、第44屆金馬獎最佳視覺效果、第41屆金馬獎最佳創作短片、2010/2012/2015金鐘獎最佳動畫節目獎、2017 阿姆斯特丹影展最佳動畫電影、2017休士頓影展動畫長片金牌獎,及超過百項海內外知名動畫獎項。

studio2 Animation Lab is from Taiwan, we focus on animation films creating, development and production. studio2 has a new vision and made a new style of Asian animation films. Our films deal with important issues and our animation style is interesting and entertaining .That’s the reason our films had many nominations and won many awards in Taiwan, China, Korea and other international animation contest, including the 54th Golden Horse Award for Best Animation Feature film/Official Nomination, the 41th Golden Horse Award /Best Visual Effects, the 44th Golden Horse Award /Best Short Film, the 2010 & 2012 &2015 Golden Bell Awards / Best Animation Program, the 50th Annual WorldFest-Houston / Golden Remi Award, the 2017 Amsterdam Film Festival / Best Animation, 2017 Comic-Con International Independent Film Festival / Official Selection. Besides, stuido2 works also have been selected and played in famous animation festivals in Europe, such as Poland, Spain, France and Germany.

liweiAbout Director


Li-Wei Chiu, animation film director, is graduated from Tainan National University of the Arts and PH.D of Beijing Film Academy. In 2003, Li Wei Chiu was a senior researcher in Hollywood, and was invited to give a speech in the FMX, the pageant of Europe digital animation in Germany in 2011. Li-Wei Chiu has produced and designed many animated films and won numerous awards, including the 2011 China International Cartoon & Animation Festival, the 2012 Seoul International Cartoon and Animation Festival / Special Jury Award, the 2010 & 2012 &2015 Golden Bell Awards / Best Animation Program, the 41th Golden Horse Award for Best Visual Effects, the 44th Golden Horse Award for Best Short Film, the 54th Golden Horse Award for Best Animation Feature film/Official Nomination, the 50th Annual WorldFest-Houston for Golden Remi Award, the 2017 Amsterdam Film Festival for Best Animation, 2017 Comic-Con International Independent Film Festival for Official Selection… Moreover, his image installation arts are exhibited in National Art Museum Of China in Beijing and Flushing Council on Culture and the Arts in New York.


台灣 台南市70063中西區頂美一街70巷2號
N0.2,Lan 70,Dingmei 1st.,West Center District,Tainan City 70063,Taiwan
[email protected]
Tel: +886-6-3506-923